Loma Linda VegeBurger Unstuffed Peppers

Loma Linda VegeBurger Unstuffed Peppers

If you love the rustic flavors of Stuffed Peppers, you’ll adore this speedy version prepared using frozen vegetables and instant rice. It offers all the comforting flavors but takes much less time.


1 can Loma Linda VegeBurger
1 cup instant rice/ parboiled rice
1 tbsp oil
1 cup Enchilada sauce
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 cup water
2 tsp fajita seasoning
2 cups mix of frozen onion + bell peppers
1/2 cup Vegan cheese (optional)
Cilantro for garnishing (Optional)

In a non-stick skillet, add in the oil and heat up. Add in the VegeBurger and saute on the skillet for a couple of minutes. Next, add in the frozen onions and bell peppers and saute till onions are well cooked.
Next, add in the water, enchilada sauce, tomato paste and instant rice. Mix and cook on simmer till the rice is done. Add more water if needed.
To finish, add in the Fajita seasoning and mix well. Garnish with vegan cheese and cilantro.

Variation – Switch rice with quinoa and add black beans for a protein rich variant. You can also use left over rice for this dish.

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